Purchase dowel centers here for easy set up as seen in the videos: http://www.rockler.com/dowel-centers-individual-sizes

BeauClip Specs

The BeauClip is an easy fastener system for panels. The system is a secure, reusable, durable, and effective way to attach panels. Stop struggling with other systems. This product is also good for RV’s, architectural woodwork, applied wall panels, seat cushions, and much more!
Tips for BeauClip Installation
• Must NOT overtighten #4 screws. Overtightening can cause the clips to fail. (set torque on your drill if necessary).
• If your substrate is uneven or bowed, there is a chance of the clip failing.
• BeauClips are to be attached to straight material only.
• Must Drill ½” holes at a perpendicular angle.
• The heavier the object, the more clips are needed.
• BeauClips are built for STRAIGHT DOWN pull force. Pulling at an angle can cause breakage of clips and damage to panels.
• Substrate = non-removable piece (Female clip is attached to Substrate with #4 Flat Head Phillips Screws.)
• Making the hole in the substrate panel slightly bigger will release ball pressure created by the male piece during insertion if the clips are too hard to separate.
• When using thicker material install BeauClips closer together for a sturdier hold.
• Recommend spacing one BeauClip every 14” on 3/8” plywood material.
• It is not recommended to use BeauClips to hold speakers or any other heavy objects.
Excellent product, BUT
BeauClips hold great, too great. Before final install of side panels in boat I tested a BeauClip on two pieces of 3/4" cypress. Followed instructions - a half inch hole and correct screws. Upon removal, or attempted removal, the "pin" side of the BeauClip pulled off the screws! The problem was that the "socket" side was not allowed to expand adequately to let the pin escape. Make sure you install the socket on the fiberglass "side", or other thin material. If the pin is attached to the fiberglass, and socket to the plywood, you may have a devil of a time removing it. If you need to hold two thicker pieces together make sure to ream the 1/2" hole a bit to allow the socket to expand.
Response: Thanks for the feedback, Mark!